Living with Diabetes

Living with diabetes

Diabetes can be managed successfully with expert medical care, such that the patient lives a long healthy life despite the ailment. The four cardinal areas for proper management of diabetes include –

  • Exercise -Improves the ability of cells to assimilate glucose, thereby assisting the body to use insulin more efficiently. It also helps to reduce the chances of obesity which is one of the risk factors for diabetes.
  • Diet– Persons living with diabetes are encouraged to eat a diet of less starchy foods, more vegetables, and fruits.
  • Drug therapy – must be instituted and monitored by a healthcare professional.
  • Regular glucose level checks – ensures that glucose level does not rise to a point that may cause complications.
Management of diabetes

 At Paxs Pharmacy, our pharmacists are always on hand to educate patients on the prognosis, pathogenesis and complications of the disease. They will also assist the patient with an effective management plan for the disease to ensure a balanced coordination of exercise, medications and diet.

To help patients monitor their glucose levels regularly, it is advised that they acquire a blood glucose meter or visit our pharmacy for a test. 

Tips for coping with the hot weather

The weather is hot, and getting hotter by the day thereby causing unbearable heat. How do you protect yourself from the sun and its adverse effects on your body?

Sun (image credit)

Here are some tips to help you cope with the hot weather:

  • Stay hydrated. Drink as much water as possible.
  • Avoid the sun as much as you can
  • When going out, use sunscreens, sunglasses and hats
  • Drink less alcohol and caffeinated drinks
  • Watch out for signs of heat-related ailments
  • Wear light clothes, preferably, cottons in light colors
  • Eat foods with high water contents
  • Take cool baths/showers as often as possible
  • Reduce the consumption of large protein-rich meals (they can increase metabolic heat)
  • Do not hesitate to consult your pharmacist/doctor if you notice any abnormal changes in your body.


Hypertension: Ways to lower and manage high blood pressure

High blood pressure raises the chances of one having both a heart attack and stroke. It is important to know your numbers because, for high blood pressure, one needs to bring those numbers down. Talk to a pharmacist or doctor about the best ways to lower blood pressure.

 Here are some suggestions that may help to manage blood pressure –

Lose Weight

For people who are overweight, losing as little as 5kg can lower their blood pressure. It will also help with sleep apnea — when one’s breathing briefly stops multiple times while that person is sleep. (Apnea can raise blood pressure and make the heart beat irregularly. Shed weight slowly with a steady mix of healthy diet and exercise. Check your readings regularly at home and try to stay within prescribed target range.

Eat Healthy

Dietary approaches to stop hypertension are considered by many to be the best method for managing and lowering blood pressure.

The basic rules are to avoid or cut back on:

– Foods high in total and saturated fat

– Processed foods

– Sugar

– Salt

– Carbohydrates

– Caffeine

– Alcohol

The dietary approach also suggests an increased consumption of:

– Fruits and vegetables, especially berries which are high in antioxidants

– Whole grains

– High-protein foods, like unsalted nuts

– Foods high in potassium and magnesium, like leafy greens or beans

–  Calcium-rich foods, like low-sugar yogurt

Regular exercise

Exercise is the soulmate to eating right. You are more likely to lose weight if you exercise and follow a healthy diet. A common recommendation is at least half an hour of exercise most days of the week. The effects can be dramatic including drop in blood pressure of four to nine points. Remember that exercise isn’t just going to the gym. It can be gardening, washing your car, or housework. Also activities that get your heart rate up — aerobic activities — like walking, dancing, jogging, riding your bike, and swimming are best for your heart.

Reduce sodium Intake

Sodium is a prime offender in raising blood pressure. Check your food labels to see how much you’re getting. If you cut back gradually, you’re less likely to notice the difference.

sodium (salt) image credit

One way to cut back is to prepare your food at home. Seventy-five percent of sodium intake comes from eating out and packaged foods. Use other spices for flavor instead of salt. Eating more potassium (found in foods like bananas, raisins, tuna, and milk) helps to reduce the amount of sodium in the body. A little effort can bring blood pressure down considerably.

Reduce stress

Lowering your stress helps to keep blood pressure normal.

Meditation can also help with stress, as well as listening to calming music, or making music.

Sitting in the sun can boost feel-good chemicals called endorphins and help lower blood pressure.

And don’t forget the need for a support network. Friends and family can be relied upon to lighten the patient’s mood.

Other things one might do to reduce stress include –

Set realistic goals

Control the things you can and leave the rest.

Stay away from people, places, situations that trigger stress

Take solace in solitude

Be grateful even for little things

Quit smoking

Quitting cigarettes is probably the single best thing one can do for his/her heart and overall health in general. Smoking is harmful to the body over the long term, and increases the blood pressure with each puff. Want to lower your blood pressure and prolong your life? Quit smoking. If you need help getting started, talk to a pharmacist or doctor.

Take prescribed medications

Follow doctor/pharmacist's prescription
Use only prescribed medications (image credit)

For some people, lifestyle changes are enough to get and keep their blood pressure under control. However, many people need medication in addition to lifestyle changes to help lower the blood pressure. It is important to take the medication exactly as your doctor/pharmacist prescribes it. That means not cutting doses or skipping days.

Get Quality Sleep

The blood pressure goes down when one is asleep, just like several other body functions, such as your heart rate and breathing rate. If you don’t get enough sleep, that means your blood pressure stays high for longer. It is also possible that a lack of sleep can affect the body’s ability to control stress hormones, and that may play a role too.

To get a good night’s sleep, it is best to stick to a regular sleeping schedule, exercise early in the day, and don’t have anything to eat or drink too close to bedtime, especially if they contain caffeine.

High blood pressure can be managed, allowing one to live long. It only requires some of these lifestyle changes.

Taking care of your health during harmattan

Harmattan is here (image source)

Harmattan is a cold, dry season that comes with certain health challenges due to the dry winds with its attendant dust and low temperature. For some people though, it is the best season because the weather is usually colder.

The skin, eyes, nose and mouth are worst hit by the harmattan because they interact directly with the atmosphere.

Health challenges associated with the harmattan season.

  • Spontaneous nosebleeds for some persons due to the drop in humidity.
  • Dryness of skin which leads to cracking of the skin.
  • Aggravation of asthma.
  • Cracking of lips and soles of the feet.
  • Cough,cold and catarrh.
  • Harmattan can also trigger certain existing conditions such as sickle cell crises, and other allergies.

Our advice.

The skin can be kept healthy and moisturized by topical application of oily creams and weather-friendly dressing. Everyone needs to stay properly hydrated during the period, and use emollient creams to help keep the skin moisturized. The skin cannot repair itself properly unless it is hydrated. This means that any little skin irritation during the harmattan season could result in a bigger skin problem. Do not forget to stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water. Adequate fluid intake can also prevent heatstroke.

Another way to cope with the extreme cold weather is to take proper care of your extremities and exposed areas. Keeping a lip balm and hand cream or oil in your pocket, car and handbag for constant applications will keep chapped, dry lips and limbs at bay.

To prevent some of the respiratory diseases associated with harmattan when indoors, people must wash their curtains, clean the windows, fans and air conditioner filters, and avoid fluffy rugs or  vacuum clean them regularly. Observe high level of personal hygiene to prevent the spread of infections, such as flu, COVID-19 and tuberculosis from person to person through sneezing and coughing.

Eating hot soup is the best answer to the cold weather. It does not only warm you up, but fills your stomach. Coffee and cocoa are also good for warming you up, but they don’t do quite a good job of filling your stomach as soups.
Eating hot food will also ensure that certain bacteria and virus do not thrive in your belly.

The eyes are directly exposed to the harsh weather, especially the dust particles carried by the wind. Thus itching, foreign body sensation and redness may be common especially in individuals with allergic eye diseases. Proper eye hygiene in the form of washing with clean water, reduction of exposure to dust and use of protective spectacles are advocated.

Harmattan may place certain health challenges on the body, but it also has some advantages, so look on the bright side. Consult a pharmacist or doctor if you feel unwell. Hang in there if it is adversely affecting your health, the season will soon be over!

World Cancer Day 2021

World Cancer Day 2021 theme

Why is there a need to mark world cancer day?

World cancer day is not just for people suffering from one form of cancer or the other. There is a need for caregivers, relatives, friends, communities, organizations, and just about everyone, to work together to reduce the menace of cancer and let those struggling with the ailment know that they are not alone.

Also, there is a need to raise awareness about cancer to support the prevention, detection, and treatment of the disease. Knowledge is power, and with early detection, there is a higher chance of effective treatment. In raising awareness through World Cancer Day, the incidences of stigmatization can be significantly reduced. Open discussions about cancer can reduce the fear and myths surrounding it while also creating community support for those battling with the ailment.

In this part of the world, a lot of people associate cancer with death but fortunately cancer is not a death sentence. Many people have survived cancer, mostly thanks to early detection. There is so much fear and uncertainty associated with cancer, and rightly so. Even though the incidence rate is higher in developed countries, the mortality rate is higher in developing countries. This is as a result of late detection, lack of adequate health facilities/inaccessibility of treatment facilities, lack of proper information, and poverty.However, experts suggest that about one-third of common cancers are preventable and treatable.

Types of cancer

Types of cancer

There are over 200 types of cancer known to man Some of the common ones include –

  • Breast cancer
  • Cervical cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Skin cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Colorectal cancer

Less common cancers include –

  • Brain cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Stomach cancer

Risk factors of cancer
Even though it is difficult to understand why Mr. A will have cancer while Mr. B will not certain risk factors are likely to increase one’s chances of having cancer. Some of the risk factors include –

  • Exposure to harmful chemicals
  • Age
  • Family history
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Sunlight
  • Radiation
  • Obesity
  • Hormones
  • Diet
  • Chronic inflammation

Cancer prevention
Cancer prevention is not always a hundred percent achievable, but some lifestyle changes can help.
To a large extent, eliminating or limiting some of the avoidable risk factors such as exposure to harmful chemicals, radiation, sun, reduction of alcohol and tobacco intake, weight management, and change in diet are vital.

Other ways to prevent cancer include –
Vaccination against viral infections can decrease the chances of certain cancers like Hepatitis B and Human papillomavirus (HPV).
Practicing safe sex
Non-sharing of sharp objects which may result in HIV, Hepatitis B, and C and predispose one to cancer.
Living an active life and exercising regularly.
Regular medical check-ups, self-examination, and screening.

Cancer treatment

Cancer treatment options

Treatment of cancer can occur as a shrinkage of cancer, or halting the progression of cancer using surgery, medication, or radiation. These treatments vary depending on the type of cancer in question and the situation.
An oncologist may recommend:
Bone marrow transplant
Immunotherapy, et cetera

In any case, the oncologist is in the best position to decide the best treatment option.

Symptoms of cancer
Though the symptoms of cancer are varied just as there are various types of cancer, some symptoms are general to most cancers. Unfortunately, most of these symptoms can be overlooked as they present as everyday health issues.

  • Change in bowel or bladder habit
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Blood in the stool
  • Breast lump or breast discharge
  • Lumps in the testicles
  • Constant fever
  • Unexplained anemia
  • Persistent cough
  • Constant, unexplained fatigue
  • Skin changes, et cetera.

Although cancer occurrence is sometimes inexplicable, lifestyle changes, healthy living, and constant tests can help reduce the risk of contracting cancer. Cancer will not disappear from the earth because one refuses to discuss it or ignore its existence or signs. It is best to be equipped with the necessary knowledge and always consult your doctor or pharmacist regularly, especially when some of these symptoms are present.

If these symptoms persist, please consult your doctor.